इस पोस्ट में आप जानेगे instagram id se number kaise nikale का तरीका। इस तरीके से आप किसी भी इंस्टाग्राम प्रोफाइल चाहे वो प्राइवेट ही क्यों ना हो का मोबाइल नंबर निकाल पाएंगे।
वैसे तो इंस्टाग्राम पर आप किसी की भी प्रोफाइल को ओपन करके उसके द्वारा शेयर की गई डिटेल्स जैसे उसका नाम, बर्थडे आदि देख सकते है।
लेकिन अगर आपको किसी का फ़ोन नंबर इंस्टाग्राम से निकालना है तो उसके लिए आप इस पसत में बताये गए तरीके को आज़मा सकते है।
इंस्टाग्राम आईडी से मोबाइल नंबर कैसे निकाले
किसी की भी इंस्टाग्राम प्रोफाइल से उसका मोबाइल नंबर निकालने या पता करने के लिए उसकी प्रोफाइल को ओपन करे। यहाँ आपको 3 ऑप्शंस मिलेंगे फॉलो, मैसेज और कांटेक्ट आपको कांटेक्ट पर क्लिक करना है। अगर उस यूजर ने अपना नंबर कांटेक्ट में ऐड किया होगा तो आपको यहाँ से मिल जायेगा।
वैसे आपको बता दे की काम ही लोग अपने पर्सनल इंस्टाग्राम प्रोफाइल पर अपना मोबाइल नंबर ऐड करते है लेकिन किसी प्रफेशनल पेज या अकाउंट पर आपको उनका कांटेक्ट नंबर या ईमेल आसानी से मिल जायेगा।
चलिए डिटेल में समझते है की कौन-कौन से तरीको से आप instagram Id से किसी का मोबाइल नंबर पता कर सकते है।
Instagram id Se Number Kaise Nikale [3 Methods]
इंस्टाग्राम पर अगर कोई प्रोफाइल प्राइवेट है तो उसकी डिटेल्स तो आप वैसे भी नहीं देख सकते है कुछ तरीको से आप इंस्टाग्राम प्राइवेट अकाउंट कैसे देखे जान सकते है लेकिन कांटेक्ट नंबर नहीं देख सकते।
किसी भी इंस्टाग्राम प्रोफाइल से उसका नंबर निकालने के 3 तरीके है जो आप इस्तेमाल कर सकते है और ये तरीके बिलकुल सेफ और फ्री है।
1. Profile से कांटेक्ट info निकाले।
2. DM करके पूछ सकते है।
3. Forgot पॉसवर्ड पर क्लिक करके।
ये तीन तरीके है जिनसे इंस्टाग्राम id के मोबाइल नंबर को पता किया जा सकता है। अगर आप किसी ऐसी वेबसाइट या एप्प की तलाश में है जो आपको सीधा नंबर निकल कर देदे तो ऐसी कोई साइट या एप्प नहीं है।
1. इंस्टाग्राम प्रोफाइल से कांटेक्ट इन्फो निकाले
किसी भी इंस्टाग्राम प्रोफाइल को ओपन करते हुए आपने देखा होगा की वहा पर बहुत सी जानकारिया अपनी इंस्टाग्राम बायो में लोग अपने बारे में लिखते है। ऐसे ही आप प्रोफाइल में जा कर नंबर भी पता कर सकते है।
Step1- अपने फ़ोन में इंस्टाग्राम ओपन करे और लॉगिन करे।
Step2- अब जिसका भी मोबाइल नंबर इंस्टाग्राम से पता करना है उसकी प्रोफाइल को ओपन करे।
Step3- प्रोफाइल ओपन होने पर आपको यहाँ कांटेक्ट का ऑप्शन मिलेगा इस पर क्लिक करे।
Step4- क्लिक करते ही आपको इंस्टाग्राम id का कांटेक्ट नंबर मिल जायेगा।
इस तरह से आप किसी भी id का मोबाइल नंबर या कांटेक्ट details निकल सकते है। जैसा हम आपको पहले भी बताया की ज्यादातर प्रोफेशनल्स या influencers ही कांटेक्ट नंबर ऐड करते है प्रोफाइल में।
लेकिन आप पर्सनल अकाउंट पर भी इस तरीको को try करके उसका नंबर निकालने के लिए इस्तेमाल करके देख सकते है।
2. DM करके पूछ सकते है
DM यानि डायरेक्ट मैसेज का ऑप्शन इंस्टाग्राम की हर प्रोफाइल में होता है चाहे आप उन्हें फॉलो ना भी करते हो तब भी अगर उन्होंने प्राइवेसी नहीं लगाई तो आप मैसेज कर सकते है।
जिसका भी नंबर आप इंस्टाग्राम पर ढूंढ रहे है आप उन्हें उनकी प्रोफाइल के जरिये डायरेक्ट मैसेज करके पूछ सकते है। अगर वो चाहेंगे तो आपको अपना नंबर देदेगे।
अगर आप किसी फ्रेंड का नंबर ढूंढ रहे है तो मैसेज करने पर आपको वो नंबर बता देंगे लेकिन अगर आप ऐसे ही किसी को भी मैसेज करके नंबर मांगोगे तो वो आपको ब्लॉक भी कर सकते है।
3. Forgot Password का इस्तेमाल करे
ये काफी पुराना तरीका है और इसका इस्तेमाल आप सिर्फ नंबर की लास्ट डिजिट्स पता करने के लिए ही कर सकते है।
अगर आपको किसी का नंबर याद नहीं आ रहा लेकिन आपने वो नंबर कही लिखा हुआ है तो आप इस तरीके से उस इंस्टाग्राम id के नंबर की लास्ट डिजिट्स पता करके जान सकते है।
Step1- इंस्टाग्राम को ओपन कर अगर आपने लॉगिन किया हुआ है तो सेटिंग में Logout करदे।
Step2- अब आपके पास फिर से लॉगिन का पेज ओपन होगा जिसे नीचे forgot your login लिखा होगा उस पर क्लिक करे।
Step3- यहाँ पर जिस इंस्टाग्राम id का नंबर पता करना है उसका username लिख कर next करदे।
Step4- अगर उस प्रोफाइल यूजर ने अपना मोबाइल नंबर ऐड किया था तो आपको sms का ऑप्शन मिलेगा इस पर क्लिक करे।
Step5- इस तरह से इस अकाउंट से linked नंबर पर एक otp भेजा जायेगा जिसका नंबर आप यहाँ से देख पाएंगे।
इस तरह से आप किसी भी इंस्टाग्राम प्रोफाइल से उसका मोबाइल नंबर पता कर सकते है चाहे वो अकाउंट प्राइवेट ही को ना किया हुआ हो।
वैसे इस instagram se phone number kaise nikale के तरीके में ज्यादातर नंबर की लास्ट की डिजिट्स ही देख पाते है।
Final Words on instagram id se number kaise nikale
इंस्टाग्राम आपको मैसेज के साथ-साथ वौइस् कॉल्स और वीडियो कॉल्स का फीचर भी देता है इसलिए आप बिना नंबर पता किये भी किसी को इंस्टाग्राम से कॉल कर सकते है।
लेकिन अगर आपको इंस्टाग्राम प्रोफाइल से नंबर पता करना है तो आप बताये गए इन तरीको को इस्तेमाल करके ऐसा कर सकते है। अब
उम्मीद है आपको जानकारी पसंद आई होगी, किसी भी सवाल या सुझाव के लिए हमें कमैंट्स में लिख सकते है और हां इस पोस्ट शेयर करना बिलकुल ना भूले।
Salman ale9
Hii kon ho
Es account se bahut jhada massage aata hai m esaka mobile no.pta karna chahata hu
If someone created an Instagram account pretending to be you or Fake, you can report it to instagram
Rajender saini 633 mere ko kon pagal bna rha hai
Its papa ki girl22 es account se bahut jadha massege ata he main uska mobile number pata karna chahata hun
Account name- Mr.Rahul is fack id se mere pas galat pic or msg aa rahy hai please aap mujhe in ke account ka mobile ya email ya kis ariye se chal rahi hai please
Mujhe fake instagram id se msg kar ke black mail kar raha hai please is fake id ka no. De do
https://instagram.com/rajput_shalu_singh_1?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== is I’d ka photo meri sister ka hai Jo kisi ne bana rakha hai aur mai iska number pata karna chahta hu help me sir
is number se mjse bohot ulta msg arha haii mjse iska number pata karna hain
Salman ali
amaan Shaikh
Ho gya kya aapke
Bhut Jada message aa raha hai Instagram ka namber nikalna hai
Username ka namber nikalna hai!
PlZ help me
Salu.yadav1231 Instagram I’d se mujhe massege a Raha hai mujhe is I’d se login number ko pata karna hai please
Fake id ka mobile number pats karna hai
Instagram account I’d:- shruu_1622
Subject:- ये मुझे 18+ वाले मॅसेज कर रहा है plz मुझे iska number दिजिये plz sir
Is fake Instagram id se mere pass msg aare hai muje iska number janna hai ye bahut pareshan krra hai help me
If someone created an Instagram account pretending to be you or Fake, you can report it to instagram
Someone is threatening my girlfriend on Instagram.I want the mobile no. Of the Instagram account.please help me.
username: mr_harsh_garg
Harsh Garg
If someone created an Instagram account pretending to be you or Fake, you can report it to instagram
Hlo Instagram i request you please help me I I’d se mujhe bar bar tourcher kar naiwali sms aarahi hai so please mari help kar do Instagram team I request you please mujhe ise I’d fack I’d ka phone number de do Jo ise fack I’d ko chala Raha hai take m pta kar saku se iske pachi kon hai
If someone created an Instagram account pretending to be you or created a Fake account, you can report it to instagram by click on the report this account option.
Fake I’d se koi person pareshan kr rha hai jiska username suniljaat33444 hai
If someone created an Instagram account pretending to be you or created a Fake account, you can report it to instagram by click on the report this account option.
https://instagram.com/9691216228_______?igshid=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ== is id ko koi ladka bna kar meri sister ko pareshan kar raha hai gande gande post kar raha hai sister ke name se id bna kar mujhe isaka email address phone number chahiye jisse bhi login hua hai
I saw this account mobile number
I am getting lot of messages from this gabru40410 fake id. I want to know the phone number of this fake id.
Hi mera insta id pe ek fake account vala itni galiya de rha h please help me jisa muje pta chle ki kon h
I’d name = _vinay_soni11
Link = _https://instagram.com/__vinay_soni11?igshid=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ==
ye I’d fake hai aap muje is ka number bhejiye plz ye I’d meri wife ki hai koi ladka ise chala raha hai or koi ladka gande gande msg kar raha hai is plz phone number bhejiye plz
I saw this account mobile number because this account has faked
Send this account mobile number
Always Alone
Is fake I’d se mujhe msg aa rhe h me inke account ka mobile number pta krna chahta hu Kon hai ye kon ye id use krta h
If someone created an Instagram account pretending to be you or created a Fake account, you can report it to instagram by click on the report this account option.
Mujhe is I’d ka number and email chahiye because isne mere pass kafi msg kiye Hain aur adress nhi bataya and mere se bola h ki mujhe janti bhi h
nehashah3102 is Instagram fake id se muje bohot messages aa rahe he iska mobile number muje pata karna he ye kon he
If someone created an Instagram account pretending to be you or created a Fake account, you can report it to instagram by click on the report this account option.
Ye I’d se mujhe Galt msg AA rahe hai
baap.ji.999 mujhe is I’d se bahut message aa rahe hai bahut tocher Kiya jara hai mujhe is I’d ka number de do
If someone created an Instagram account pretending to be you or created a Fake account, you can report it to instagram by click on the report this account option.
I want to know mobile number from given id.sir please help me
Sir ek ladki roj mujhe msg kar kar dang kar Rahi hai kya aap mujhe uska number or name pta karke bta skte hai
If someone created an Instagram account pretending to be you or created a Fake account, you can report it to instagram by click on the report this account option.
Ye id fack hai aur ye sabke paise loot raha hai iska muze phone number chahiye
Sir ek ladki roj mujhe Instagram par msg kar kar dang kar Rahi hai kya aap mujhe uska number or name pta karke bta skte hai
If someone created an Instagram account pretending to be you or created a Fake account, you can report it to instagram by click on the report this account option.
the.harsh.6701 this person are abusing me.
If someone created an Instagram account pretending to be you or created a Fake account, you can report it to instagram by click on the report this account option.
_7525manvi ye mera account nahi hai kisi ne fake account bana ke meri vidoes post ki h or mana krne pe bol rha delete nahi kr paunga
Cute _queen_9802 ye I’d se maiko message aaraha hai maiko Pata karne hai ye fake I’d ka number
If someone created an Instagram account pretending to be you or created a Fake account, you can report it to instagram by click on the report this account option.
https://instagram.com/mr___yarr__?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= this I’d is fake and send message abusing I want to know number this I’d mr___yarr__ please sir give me number in this email
Account – kr9362168
Username – buggu143
Es I’d se bohot fake message aa rahe hai mujhe es ke mobile number de
If someone created an Instagram account pretending to be you or created a Fake account, you can report it to instagram by click on the report this account option.
Account – kr9362168
Username – buggu143
Es I’d se bohot fake message aa rahe hai mujhe es ke mobile number de
Account – @kr9362168
Username –@buggu143
Es I’d se bohot fake message aa rahe hai mujhe es ke mobile number de
is account Holder log time message send me so peles This id Detilas send me
abhidubey6627 fake id phone number
abhidubey fake account is phone number use
abhidubey6627 please numbar
phone number fake account
fake account number your number
abhidubey 6627 numbar you please
April 21, 2023 at 7:50 pm
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
_vihan55 I’d
Yeh ek fake id he es I’d ke muje mobile number chahiye
The I’d owner harassing me by abusing
Fake Instagram ID ki number pata karna hai isliye ki vah mujhe Gandi Gandi message kar raha hai
This man is harassing me for 7 days by massaging, can you give his mobile number?
I want to find fake id number because he /she use my picture in there account
Mujhe is id ka number ye email chahiye kyuki ye fake id hai aur is id me jo picture use kiye gaya hai wo mera hai
mahi08216 user name
Please is id ka number bta dijiye yeah mere id par bahut ganda ganda message kar rha hai
Please sir
https://instagram.com/uma_1_23_123?igshid=OGRjNzg3M2Y=this id is fake or not tel me
Username Swatii
Account id swatii217
Iss id ka number and email id main pta karna chahti hu ye ek fake id h esme meri pics uploaded hai main iss id ke bare me sb pta krna chahti hu ki ye kon hai
Fake account please help me
He is a hacker nd wants to follow me
I am getting many messages from this I’d . I want to know which phone number have done it to login
Thish account is fake please thish account number
It’s a fake account I am getting abused from this account and I need to know the number from which it’s was logined
2. Fack massage and call please send the user id number
Is account se hamre par bahut msg aa rahe hai plz ese number details de hame
Is account se hame msg aa rahe hai plz is account ka mobile no .and sabhi information plz de hame
User id -rekh8474, user name – new
Plzz isse bhut msg aa rha btaye kis nub se bna h
Sreya go / sreya gowda is id se galath galath massage hai kiska id hai muje nahi malum sir bahut please give the this id phone no sir this id url sir https://instagram.com/sreya_go?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= plzz help me sir give this id phone no
If someone created an Instagram account pretending to be you or created a Fake account, you can report it to instagram by click on the report this account option.
https://instagram.com/aamrin_sekh07?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= muje msg kar ke paresan kar rhi hai muje iske mobail number chaiye ik
I got vulgar massage from @swe.tali2023 this account please help me to find out his number or gmail.
This is a fake account. Please give me number of this account. Someone created this fake id of my name.
Anjalikumhari061 ye ladki fack id chalti he mujhe message karta hai is ka mobile number or email chahiye please
@ritu_khandal_02 this is a fake account someone created my fake id please help me and give me the number of this account
Ye id instagram ki fake id mere nam or dp lagake id bnakr bht msg kr rha hai ye sbko or pics bhej rha hai or rat m vdo call kr rha sbko
Plzz help me
Eska contact no chahiye mujhe
Rakesh123453035 I’d ka ladka muje galt message kar ke pareshan kar rha h
Mddaanyalraza is fek id se mere pass bhot zeyada msg a rha hi m inta id namabr janna chata hu
Mddaanyalraza is id se galat msg arha hi please id nambar
he is blackmailing ke
The number from which this insta ID is made is required
Someone is threatening my friend on Instagram.I want the mobile no. Of the Instagram account.please help me.
Instagram I’d cute_ananya09_
Mujhe is I’d se bahut aa rahe h aur mujhe pareshan kiye jaa rahe h
Please helpe me
Mujhe iska contact number chahiye
Is fack I’d se mere PE bahut massage a rahe he to muke Jan na he ki ye massage kon kar Raha he to muje uska nambur pata karna hee
Sahil srivastav
Is id kon login kiye hai mujhe or mere dosto ko galiya bak raha hai or meri photo bhi lagyi hai mujhe iska number chahiye
riya.jasawat.011 ye mere friend ke name se fake bnai gyi h is I’d ko kon chala rha h ya uska number pta krna h or is I’d ko permanently bnd krwana h
Thank u
I’d-Disha 8046,username – ~~smilee dittee~
Is fake account se mujhe massage aa rha hai mujhe uska number nikalna hai
Mujhe is id se bhut message aa rahe hai
Me pareshan hu
Please help me mujhe us id ka contect no chahiye
Mujhe is id se msg arhe h bhot glt mujhe iska number pta krna h plz
renu.dodiyar monu singh is account se meri post dali ja rhi he muje is ka mobile nombar pta karna he
Hlo sir mujhe is Id se massage aate h yah fake id h mujhe is I’d ka phone no. Janna h akhir yah person kon h jo mujhe massage krta h
Yah person mere no. Massage krta kisi or ki I’d se or gandi galiya bhi deta h
Is fake I’d se mujhe galat galat massage aa rahe hai mujhe is I’d ka number
Email kis number se logon ki hai yeh sab detail’s chahiye he
Someone created a fake account and messaged me very vulnerable and dirty words!! I just want yo know who is he or she I was his contact number.
Please help
Is is kon login kiye hai mujhe or mere dosto ko galiya bak raha hai or meri photo bhi lagyi hai muje iska number chahiye
Neha_qeut_girl I’d ne fake account banaya hai usme meri post se screenshot leke post ki hai apne fake account pr plzz mujhe no dedo plzz help kr do https://instagram.com/neha_qeut_girl?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
Ye account hai jo fake I’d bana ke mujhe gandi galiyan de raha mujhe iska number chahiye plzz aap iska number de dijiye
Is I’d se muje bhut msg aare he muje is I’d wale ka number chiye
Aisa account se mujhe gande message a rahe hain mujhe iska number aur detail pata karni hai
Mujhe is id card number aur detail pata karni hai is id se mujhe gande message a rahe hain
Tare_jaan202 ye I’d kis number le login ki Hui h
Iss I’d se message aa rhe h
I’d lipsha5619. Name lipsa nag
Ish I’d se mujhe gandi gandi sms
Aur Pic koi send kar raha hai
Please sir help me
Instagram I’d name:- profit _maniia_trader11
Is I’d se mujhe scam ke msg aaa rha h bhut jyada ….so plz mujhe Janna h contact number is I’d ka
ishikaa_patil_1324 is fake id se muze msg kiya and gali vegre diya mai iska mobile no. Janna chata hu kon ise use krta hai
User id – dasi_chora_ _ _ _ _ _ _
Is id se meri id pr gande gande comments hue h mujhe os account ka number janna chahta hu
Kon use krta h is id ko btaiye jra mujhe
This ID si disturbing me daily .
Please give his phone no.
user id–la.do4040 is a fake id please contact the number
Kaim_kaam this is id Instagram fake account then msg me darty on Instagram so plz give me kaim_kaam Instagram fake id number
Ye mujhe marne ki dhamki de rha hai i want his number
https://instagram.com/ist__shiwani__01?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= mujhe is I’d ka number chahiye
Tabssum-parveen_009 Tabassum Parveen make-up artist 009 ya fake I’d ka number chaiya galat massage ara h mujha
Manish Nayak3963 ye fack id hai mujhe message karta hai is ka mobile number send karo please
Fake account he ye or mujhe ise msg Kiya he..
I’d name- aastha_bth07
I Kindly say that someone is creat fake of this name and massaging me again and again…
Sir, i want to say that, I want the number who’s guy create this account….
Sir plzz do something as soon as possible…plzz
I’d name- aastha_bth07
I Kindly say that someone is creat fake of this name and massaging me again and again…
Sir, i want to say that, I want the number who’s guy create this account….
Sir plzz do something as soon as possible…plzz
User name -rahu.lpandey4127
This account is fake account and he is doing ao many misbehaving so that’s why I won’t to know his number.
Is account se mujhe message aa rhe he mujhe is account ka mobile number Janna he . Or ise kon chla rha he ye bhi Janna he
Mac.ah.90 from this I’d message ing me and disturb I want mobile number
Mac.ah.90 he is telling bad words I want his mobile number
User name – goravrajput516
Tell me the details of this account, from which account I am getting fake messages.
Please tell me with which number you have login to this account
Sir he is blackmailing me by adding my pic with girl’s pic
Muje meri feck Instagram ki I’d ka contact number dekhna hai
Joyti_balodi_143 account name
Ye muje fake id se message kar raha hai
Gali de Raha hai
Koi Fake id se message karra hai
Fake id se message
Humayra shaikh
Is id se mujhe bahut massage aate he mujhe pata karna he
Ki ye kon he isliye mujhe iska mobile no. Chahiye
I’d name @cho_udhary2551
Name khushi
Ye I’d kise ladke n banai hai isne mujhe bhut pareshan kia hua hai mere 2 ya 4 personal picture hai iske pass ye unka miss use kar rha hai or mujhe gande gande bato se blackmale kar rha ye nhi pta chal pa raha ye kon hai plz help me is profile ka number or identity bta do plz
Thank you
I’d name cho_udhary2551
Name khushi
Is bnde ne mujhe bhut pareshan kia hua hai mere pic hai iske pass bhut black male karra hai mere pic ka miss use karke mere se paeso ko demand kar rha vrna mere pic ko sabke samne story p laga k black male kar rha plz is id ka contact number or identity bata do plz apki bhut krapa hoge
Username: adi_ti__5921
This account is fake, someone has made a fake I’d of my name. my profile picture is on this account. Someone is sending dirty messages to my friends and followers from this account. Whatever I have said is absolutely correct. Please tell me his mobile number, his real name and address. please tell me the mobile number of this fack I’d owner. Or get this account blocked and banned as soon as possible. thankyou
Is id se muje bhot gande gande message a rehe ha.
https://instagram.com/itzdevil_boy88?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= itzdevil_88 plzz seee me the phn no of this person
Ya fake id bnake bhoot tang kar rha hai
Smita_singhhh sir mujhko eska number chhaye bhout parshan kiya hai esme mujhko
https://instagram.com/gabber1324?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=Ye mere paas MSG kr ra hai pareshan kar ra hai mujhe gaali bhi de ra hai Or meri gf ke paas bhi mag kar ke gaali de ra hai mujhe is ID ki information Or number chahiye
Instagram id username- smhaunbvhi
This id is messaging me and my friends writing abusive words , is id se mai aur mere dosto ko message araha hai aur vo gali de raha hai gandi baatein likh raha hai i really want to know aap is id ka number pata kardo
gdfgjhh22855555 is I’d sa muja Ganda massage kar a Rahi ha mujhe is I’d ka number pata kar na ha please send kar de
Yeh id fake h is id ne mera profile le liya h or mere family members ko req bhej rha h muje iss id ka number chaiye
Ye Banda ladki ki I’d banakar sab ko gali deta he
Sab ko blackmail krta sab ko msg krke pareshan krta hee
Its_pallavi_830 esa fake account id se muje kucha message arahe he me inke account ka mobile number Pata Karan chahata hou Konse mobile number de account banaye he
nik1234955 mara I’d par wrong masga a Raha number pata kar na ha
https://instagram.com/prin.ce_9999?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= is id se mujhe preshan kara ja raha h mere photos and story share kiya ja raha and mere insta friends ko message kiye ja rahe h
https://instagram.com/prin.ce_9999?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= is id se mujhe preshan kara ja raha h mere photos and story share kiya ja raha and mere insta friends ko message kiye ja rahe h please mobile no. Send. Me
Vaishuu.__19 hai id ka phone no likara hai.so hai id facke id che msg aalta hai plzz no bhejo
Es account se bahut jhada massage aata hai m esaka mobile no.pta karna chahata hu.pareshan karn hai plz help
ajsin_gh2627 I am getting very wrong massage on this fake id please I want the number and information of this ID.
Mujhe es I’d to boht msg aunde ne ehda number pta kro
Account name – rachu_patel143
Username- rachu_sexy
Account link – https://instagram.com/rachu_sexy?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
Mere nam se kisi ne or ne account bna diya he or black mail kr rha hai. Plz mujhe iska number provided krwa dijiye
nikiyskr es I’d de mere pass message aa rahe h e s I’d ka m phone number Jana chahta hu ki ye kon se number se log in ki h or kon ese usage karta h
Phone no. plzz
sK26.09.05 yeh uska Instagram I’d hai please iska mobile number please batao iska bhot msg aare hai mujhe
I want this id all content https://instagram.com/tuk0.09?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= who use this I’d , with number to logged this I’d I want all information
This I’d is fake Someone is threatening my friend on Instagram.I want the mobile no. Of the Instagram account.please help me.i want this I’d mobile number and all. Details
Is I’d kon login kiya hai mujhe is ka I’d ka number chahiye
Is I’d kon login kiya hai mujhe is ka I’d ka number chahiye
Mughe is id se bahut massage aa raha hai muhje is id ka number chahia
Mughe is id se bahut massage aa raha hai muhje is id ka number chahia
https://instagram.com/dilip_kalasuva?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=मुझे dilip_kalasuva इस फेंक अकाउंट से मुझे मेसेज करने वाले का मोबाइल नंबर ओर ये आईडी चलाने वाले का पता
This account is fake
You can see also and this account format me many messages . I can find the account mobile number
Ye I’d mere sath froad kr Rahi he
Isliye muje iska number chahiye
Plz muje iska number de do
Ye muje aur mere gar valo ko
Galiya de Raha he
Muje iska number chahiye
Jass. b. a. waa
This person send me wrong messages I wana get number this person importantly
Ye fack I’d h Is se gande msg aur nude video call karne ko keh rha h pareshan kar Diya h
Plj give me contact
Is id se bahot massage aa rhe hai
Bahot pareshan kr rha hai ye
Hi Sir
This is Fake id but this person using girls private photos and video without any permission.
Id. @patel.chaudhary_0_8_
So I want know his phone number Please this is my humble request
Ye mera account nahi h fake hai or mana krne pe Man nhi Raha plzz help mujhe iska contact number chaiye
Sir Bhoot preshan hogya roz massage aarhe is accout se
I am a girl age 21 and this is a fake account who has harassed and bullied me a lot called me slut and whore and is also threatening me. I am scared and desperately need to know who this person is and his contact number.
https://instagram.com/sonamsahu5430?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= Please give this id number please
मेरे पास इस आईडी से बहुत मैसेज आ रहे हैं
का मोबाइल नंबर चेक करना चाहता हूं
मेरे पास इस आईडी से बहुत मैसेज आ रहा है मैं उसका फोन नंबर चेक करना चाहता हूं
Iss account se muze bhayut message aa ra he hai to iska mobile number bataiye number bataiye kon hai o sab kucha bataiye .
Iss account se muze message bahut aa rahe hai to iska number bataiye sab khucha bataiye plz Instagram account.
मेरे आईडी पर इस आईडी से मैसेज आया रहा है मेल के नंबर पता करना चाहता हूं
Is id se msg aa rahe hai mai inka number pata karna hai konsa number se login kiye hue hai
Ohi.yograj.2233 fek I’d send I’d number email
Faltu MSG AA rehe he
https://www.instagram.com/r_o_m_a_n_r_e_n_c_e/ yeh I’d ka link hai muhje is I’d se bahut msg aa rhe hai gali de rha hai koi
https://instagram.com/neha_falak_ka_pati_faizan?igshid=MTIyMzRjYmRlZg== ye gande gande post kr raha meri famliy kr uper
https://instagram.com/neha_falak_ka_pati_faizan?igshid=MTIyMzRjYmRlZg==Ye meri famliy ke photo post krke gandi gandi bate likh raha iska no. Chiye mujhe
https://instagram.com/deepakmishra19842023?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= I want the number of this fake I’d
__himu_007 user name himanshi bisht naam hai ye meri Freind hai mai enka number lena chahta hu pls.. help me
It pretending me and my friends they send me screenshot of my profile picture and post
A/c name:https://www.instagram.com/rohit_sharma_8075/
Use name :-Rohit Sharma
Is I’d se mujhe bahot message aarha hai pare San ho gaya hu
Please isaka reyal ID and mobile number send me
A/c name:https://www.instagram.com/rohit_sharma_8075/
Use name :-Rohit Sharma
Is I’d se mujhe bahot message aarha hai pare San ho gaya hu
Please isaka mobile number send me
I am getting lot of messages from this gabru40410 fake id. I want to know the phone number of this fake id.
Instagram I’d ka mobile number nikal na he fake id hai ishko nambar bhejo
Instagram I’d mobile number sand me frod hai ishko nambar bhejo please
Mere name par isne fake account banaya hai or sabko msg Kar rha hai
Mujhe iska real number chahiye pta krna hai kon h ye .
{it’s me saloni} fake id number show
Ye account fake hai or mujhe is id se msg aa rhe hai or meri photos bhi upload ho rhi hai mujhe is id ka number or name pta karna hai kaun hai ye inshan☹️☹️
Is fake id se mujhe message aa rha h iska no. Mujhe de
I don’t know the number of this CD because this CD and I need the number of the one I’m testing.
account name = sonu_girl_0000
Username= soniya
नमस्ते भाई मरे की किसने fake account बना दिया है
और वोह अब् सब लड़को को message karta hai
Please bhai mujhe uske number dedo
Thank you❤
Ye hamko fek I’d se massage kr ke paresan kr rha h hamko iska number chaiye
Muje iss se bar bar gande message aa rhe he,muje iska phone number chaiye
Muje iss id se bar bar gande message aa rhe he
Muje pareshan kar rha he ,muje iss id ke mobile number chaiye
Fake account hai family members ka photo dala hai
Username @muskan7890x
Pls iska number nikal dijya I request you
bhuumiiikaaaaa es fake id mere pass glt glt message aa rhe h
Is fack I’d se mere PE bahut massage a rahe he muje pata karna he ye massage kon kar Raha he to muje uska nambur pata karna he
Mujhe is Id se message a raha hai pareshan kar raha hai
Es I’d se Galt message aa rahe h
Fack I’d problem it’s_me_priya2361
Someone is harassing me by uploading my private photos and videos and threatening me to viral the videos can you please help me to get his number.
Thank you
he is blackmailing ke
The number from which this insta ID is made is required
he is blackmailing ke
The number from which this insta ID is made is required
Ye fake id h or mere name se logo se pesa le rha h
akanshapanwar.62 Is id kon login kiye hai mujhe or mere dosto ko galiya bak raha hai or meri photo bhi lagyi hai mujhe iska number chahiye
Ye mera photo galat tarah se use kr rha mujhe iska number nikalna hai
Ye fake id meri galat photo use kr rhi or mujhe guilty feel krwarhi mujhe iska number nikalna hai please help
Ye id kis number se hai please help me qki unwanted messages aa rhe hai
Instagram username is monikanagar1278
And id url. https://instagram.com/monikanagar1278?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
Please help sir bahut pareshani h
Mujhe iske number chiye bs
Saxsenamoni ise sa bar bar message Aya raha ha iska phone number nikalna ha
Unknown & abuses came in this I’d plz give mobile no sir
Instagram https://instagram.com/eoowgtbt?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
is I’d se koi unknown person mesg kr ke glt glt bol rha h to plss iska no. pta krke bta dijiye .
Concern about privacy
Concern about my privacy .always messages to my friend and relatives
Mikelle_aaron this is Insta I’d Is Insta I’d se mujhe msg aa rhe h mujhe iska no chahye
https://www.instagram.com/397.084/ give me this I’d number he irritate me to send msg
https://www.instagram.com/397.084/ send this I’d number
how to know this id number please
Iska number nikalna chahta hun
Main iska number nikalna chahta hun
Hi Instagram this is a fake account
It gives me wrong message
Give me Full details of this account
Yeh fake I’d hai mujhe galat msg kar raha hai mujhe is account ka number ja email chayie
tanvi_3428 is I’d se message aa rha he mobile number nikal ke de
Mujhe es id se baar bar massage aa rhe hai mujhe isak mobile number chahiye
Please help me
Ansariboy2271 mujhe is I’d ka phone number and Sara bayodata nikalna hai kon ye I’d use kar raha hai aur kaha se kar raha hai is I’d pe gandi post dal rha h mere ghar ki aur gande gande msg kar raha hai
Hi sir ye id se gym_lover_5211 ghar ka photo sab jana ko send Kara ye kon Use Kare sir please help me msg karka galiya dera ye id sa sir
Hi sir please help ma is id photo send Kara kisko bolai usko ina msg Kara galiya Dera
Number hona ha sir please iska complaint Dena Hai jaka PS me email id bhi mil Gayi To Bas please help me
Is I’d se mere pass massage aa rhe h mujhe pta karna h kon h is I’d ka mobile number nikalna h
Plz check this id
Kour preet
This is a fake Instagram account.
I an deing disturbed by this
So please give me this contact number
Es id se mujhe galat msg aa raha hai
Se mere paas message arahe he
Se mere paas message arahe he
Is I’d se mere paas message aa rahe he to is ka number send karo please check this number
Hello,sir Mhuje iss fake fake account sa message aa raha ha isliya AAP mhuje iss fake account ka number da di jiya please sir help me
Is fake id se mere pass sms aa rha h bhut peresan kr rha eska number chahiye mujhe please help me
Witch is a id number
Is id se mujhe sms aa rahe hai gande gande
Witch is a id number
Madhvi_mukesh_2100 ye I’d fake hai ye galat photo viral kar rahe hai
This person is fake account
I’d name shaluserawt06
Please provide me contact number
Is id se gande msg aa rahe h plz iska num nikal k do
Sar muje is I’d azi_za5911 ka number pata karna Hain ye I’d bna kar mere dosto ko meri picture send kar Raha Hain aur Balck mel kar Raha Hain plz ser help me
https://instagram.com/abhaymishra4847?igshid=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ== ये एक फेक अकाउंट है इसमें से बहुत ही गंदे मैसेज आ रहे इसका पुरा जानकारी दे
https://instagram.com/abhaymishra4847?igshid=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ== ये एक फेक अकाउंट है इसमें से बहुत ही एक्सपोजर मैसेज आ रहे यहां पुरा जानकारी दे
I need number off this id he abusing my sister and i have proof
is I’d se bahut mesej aa rhe he se our black mel bhi kar rha he aap se request heki aap muje is id nam pta ya mobail namber pta kar ke dedo jisse me us parso n se bat kar saku please sir help me
Account name is pulkit__07__
This account abuse and irritate me a lot. I want to know the number of this account kindly help me to find this out i will be very thankful if you could help me to came out this problem
I wanted to know the number of this account
https://instagram.com/yourbae__45?igshid=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ== mujhe iss I’d se baat baar dhamkaaya jaara h merii videos ko leke please iss I’d ka no. Nikaal ke mujhe dedo
Aditi _yadav _400 ne meri I’d se meri post chura kar apni I’d per post kar di hai mare kahne per vo meri post delete nhi kar rhi hai aur mujhe shamki bhi rhi hai gande gande msg kar video call bhi kar rhi hai ye koi fake I’d hai Jo boy chala raha hai isliye mujhe iska mobile number janana chahti hu
Please show me her number
ravina _aghmare
Ravina 4131
Mera kisine fake id create kiya hain …1 year complete hua hain …us id se mere friends ko wrong msg send kiye jate hain …main is id ke vajav se bahut stress main hu ..tension main hu ..meri mental health kharab hain …plz aap meri help kare
Riddh_i7827 is id se muje abuse use kiya jaa rha h, stories lgayi jari h…muje is id ka pta krna h ki ye kis no. Se bni h so plz help me
Mujhe fake id se massage aa raha he mujhe uska number pata karke do
Sir iss id se mere pass bhuth sms wgera aarhe hai our meri ek female dosth ki video bhi apne account pe story post dal rkkhi hai bhuth presan krrkkha hai plz eska no.ptakrke btade request hai aapse
Request acsept
Www https://instagram.com/bhavnabendwal2023?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
Is account se muje message aa rhe hai fack account hai ye or iska no chahiye muje please muje iska no dedo
Koi is id se msg kr rha h
Ye id fake h
modle_of_riya sar mujhe is fake id se bahut sms aa raha hai
Is id se ye meri friend ko blackmale kar raha hai aur meri girlfriend ka pic send karke pareshan kar raha hai sir mujhe is id na number chahiye
Please help me sar mujhe is id ka number bata dijiye
I request you sir
I have faced lots of messages from this account so I want this account mobile number
Kisi meri fake id banayi h or meri photos post kr ke sabko pareshan kr rha h or meri photos ka misuse kr rha h muje is id ke number nikalne hai
I’d : https://instagram.com/joping_tanvi01?igshid=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ==
main is ID ka mobile number Janna chahta hun kyunki is id se mere pass gande gande message a rahe Hain video call karke pareshan Kiya ja raha hai
This id is fake find it owner number
Hi..mujhe koi Instagram fake I’d se bht preshan kr ra hai uski user id hai (fuk_546__) plz mujhe Iss I’d ka phone number btane ke help kre
Account name seema Choudhary
Ye meri feke I’d banadi kisi ne number nikhale
Account name seema Choudhary
User name s p munna
Meri I’d kise ne fek bana di namber nikhale
Apko iska no kaise pta chala
Fake id na no kase pata lagye
pranali_jadhav_45 is I’d ka mujhe phone number chahiye
User name nebha1734
Name neha
Is fake id se mere pas message aa raha hai bahut mai is account ka mobile no pata karna chahta hu
Is account se mere pas bahut message aa rahe h Or Ye fek id h please mujhe is account ke number nakale
Fake I’d bana kar pareshan kar rha hai please help me sir please
Iss id se message are hai
This id was disturb me
Sanjana __mahadik se muje fek mesej a rhe he to me es I’d ka number pta karna chahta hu ap meri piz madat kr lo
User name = fuk_546__
Mujhe iss I’d de bht gande msgs a re hai or ye blackmail kr ra hai.. plz iss I’d ka number bta de
Es account se bahut jhada massage aata hai m esaka mobile no.pta karna chahata hu
Es account se message a raha he isliye Muje is I’d ka number chahiye
Username cutecate5800
Ye koi fake id hai ye mera sb ko number share kr raha hai aur mujhe bhut pareshan kr raha hai plzz plzz mujhe eska no aur kuch bataiye ye kaha se hai plzz plzz mujhe eska phone number batiye plzz plzz help me
Mujhe is Id se gande gande comment a Rahe Hain tatha Meri galat photo hai is ID Mein post ki gai hai
me this account want to know the number of the message is coming from this account please help
kajalpatel इस फेक आईडी से बार बार मैसेज आ रहे है मुझे इसका मो. नंबर चाहिए
Please jaldi number send karo
Ista id : manalipawar384
Is fack I’d se muze fack gande massage aa rahe hai or ye I’d ladke ki hai usne muze Bohot bar blackmail lagatar kiya ja raha hai muze is I’d ka Mobile number chahiye
कोई हमको फेक आईडी बनाकर गाली दे रहा है और उसका नाम और नंबर पता करना चाहते हैं कौन चला रहा है
Koi humko fake ID banakar Gali de raha hai aur uska naam aur number pata karna chahte hain kaun chala raha hai
कोई हमको फेक आईडी बनाकर गाली दे रहा है और उसका नाम और नंबर पता करना चाहते हैं कौन चला रहा है
Koi humko fake ID banakar Gali de raha hai aur uska naam aur number pata karna chahte hain kaun chala raha hai
Account name ; shaikh Mobin
Username ; shaikhmobin2851
Is fake I’d se mujhe bhut fake massage are hai mujhe is I’d ka phone number chaiye please
Mujhe pata karna hai kon hai wo jo fake massage bhejta hai aur Aisa Kyu karra hai please uska mobile number chaiye
uski I’d ghodafdrs es I’d se muje gahli arhi he muje es I’d ka nabar chaiye kis nabar se login he
Is I’d se mujhe msg aa rhe h jo ki fek I’d please aap is id ka number nikal ke bta sakte h Please help me
I want to know mobile of this instagram I’d.
Please send me his or her mobile number soon.
Koi fek id se humko Gali de raha hai uska number aur pata Janna chahte Hai
कोई फेक आईडी से हमको गाली दे रहा है उसका नंबर और पता जानना चाहते है
Fake id kam se kam 5 banayi wo bhi 1 mahine me or usse gande gande vedio daal rha black mail kar rha harest karne ki kosis kar rha to hme uska location ya phir no. Cahiye please its very urgent
fake Instagram id se mere pass msg aare hai muje iska number janna hai ye bahut pareshan krra hai help me
Karm.a speak is Id se mujhe gande gande videos A rahe hain aur pareshan kar rahe hain aur mere photo bhi hai
Bhai wah bahut Gali de rha hai pareshan bhi Kar rha hai help karo
Yeh Fake id hai mujhe uska no. Chaiye
its Sonika ke nam ki fafe I’d se call or sms aa rhe h
its Sonika nam ki fake I’d se galt sms aa rhe h iska mobile number kese nikale
2YQ==helllo instrgram user sexual activity person please give number
Is id se photo hai or bo inko laga rha hai please no.. send kar do please sir
gshid=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ==hello muhjhe Esa issan bhutu paren ki kuch gande hai photo bhje hai give number
https://instagram.com/riya_roy0898?igshid=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ== please give number bhutu probelm h. Rahe
He is a blackmailer
I’d username:- toxic_1328
He was abusing me in very bad lenguage
I really want to know his number please help me
Profile link
Hi sir https://www.instagram.com/zindagi_01995/ rocky…..
Es I’d se bahut message aa rahe hai yeh bahut people ke pass message kar raha hai please sir mujhe eska details provide kar do
is I’d se bahut mesej aa rhe he se our black mel bhi kar rha he aap se request heki aap muje is id nam pta ya mobail namber pta kar ke dedo jisse me us parso n se bat kar saku please sir help me
Find number fake account
This I’d is mine…and other people use this account name..so please share this account mobile number.
https://instagram.com/__jiya__15__?igshid=MTIyMzRjYmRlZg== fake id mobile no. Kaise pata kare
I’d – __trisha_khan__
Sar please give me phone number on this account
This is fake id Harrasment me
Sar please help me.
This account is blackmail me
User name nebha1734
Account name neha
Is fake id se mujhe message aa raha hai mai is id ka mobile no pata karna chahta hu ki ye id kaun chala raha hai iske bare sari information janana chahta hu.
Mujhe iss I’d ka number chaiye
This I’d is very bad …. Very dirty messages send from this I’d so please search number of this I’d immediately. https://instagram.com/uniq_ue4112?igshid=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ==
My_cute_girlcute ki I’d se numdar pta karna hai Id se mujhe gali deta hai
Is I’d se phone numdar pata karna hai Id name ( my_cute_girlcute
Riya62913 is fake ID se bahut jyada message a raha hai main inke account ka mobile number pata karna chahte hain
Instagram I’d fake Keene banai h and number sand me jesne be banai h uska number smad me please help me
Mujhe es fake account se bhut sare message aa rahe h mujhe es fake account ka number pta Karna h es number se fake account bana h plz help me
re_ema9928 please is I’d se mujhe bhat sare msg aa rahe hai is id ka number ya email kuch pe please bata do
Vineet vermal
Is fake I’d se msg aa rhe hai ghr walo ke bare me glt glt bol rha hai iski I’d kis number se login Hui hai bta do iska num pta krna hai
Vineet vermal
Is fake I’d se msg aa rhe hai ghr walo ke bare me glt glt bol rha hai iski I’d kis number se login Hui hai bta do iska num pta krna hai plss snd this number me preshn ho rha hu iske msgo se
Someone is using my sister’s name date of birth and photo and create a fake account and chat with her friends so I want the mobail number to know the person who missuse my sister’s name and details.
Taniya Rathore✨
Is fake id ka mujhe mobile number nikalna hai kis number se rergtion hua hai vo numbe chahiye
Smrutii22 es feak id se mujhe bahut sara msg ata he gali bii data he mujhe eska number patado
Smrutii22 es feak id ne mujhe gali deta he
Mujhe uski number pani he
Smrutii22 I’d ko ban kar na chahiye fack id mobile number chaiye
Love you
Ya fake id mujhe bar bar MSG kr ki parsan kr rha h or mere dp apni I’d PR laga rha h
Me Inka mobile no. Ditale pata karni h
Rong comments and swear words pls send me contact number id- denga rboy12
denga rboy12
This I’d is fake find it owner nomber
Iska contact no chahiya https://instagram.com/beb_o16?igshid=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ==
Fake msg aata ha
या आईडी से मुझे बार बार गंदा मैसेज आ रहे हैं ओर य अपनी आईडी प्रोफाइल पर मेरा फोटो लगा कर आईडी चला राह ह प्लीज इस आईडी का नम्बर और डिटेल करा दो किस नम्बर से आईडी चल रही है
Hello team,
Someone created the id on Instagram, He misbehaves with students and teachers too.
He posts nonsense things in id and mentions people and argues with them. He creates too much of nonsense things in his id
So, please give me the number of that person as soon as possible.
Profile URL: https://instagram.com/sgskasystemm?igshid=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ==
Instagram I’d: @sgskasystemm
eh account fack aw is I’d toh mnu glt msg aunde ne mei is id da num pta krna chaunda ha
Take the mobile no of this id.
User name akki00972
Meri id bna ke gali de rhi hai mujhe hii
Mujhe iska no chaiye
https://instagram.com/king__bishnoi3?igshid=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ== I want know about this I’d number because he will abusing.
User name akki00972
Mujhe gali de rhi hai
Meri fake id bna ke
Mujhe iska no chaiye
User name hai
Mujhe iska mobile no chaiye
Plz help
I don’t know who make my fake I’d I have some private issues please tell me its number
Ya mare fake id bana kar ladkyo ko ganda message kar raha ha iska muja no chaya usna mara photos bhi post kiya ha
Ya mare fake id bana kar ladkyo ko ganda message kar raha ha iska muja no chaya usna mara photos bhi post kiya ha
These id fake and my relative many many message forwarded .
And also bad message in my name in my relative so please give mi as no.for these i’d
I want to know this I’d’s mobile number because he send me message again and again
Nishu love akmal ये id से हमको मैसेज करके परेशान करता है हमको इसका मोबाइल नम्बर पता करके दो
Sir please help me
सर मैं इस आईडी से परेशान हो गया हूं प्लीज मेरी हेल्प करो यह आईडी मुझे गाली देता है मैं इसे ब्लॉक कर दूं तो दूसरी आईडी बनाकर मुझे गाली देता है
मैंने पुलिस कंप्लेन कर देता लेकिन शायद वह मेरी बात को नहीं माने और मेरी मदद नहीं करें
यह आईडी वाला मुझे ही नहीं मेरे दोस्तों को भी परेशान कर रहा है सो प्लीज मेरी हेल्प करो
Sar I request you please help me
Mujhe is ID ke number chahie
Is ID ko Kaun use kar raha hai kaun se mobile mein chal rahi hai yah ID ye pata karna he
Please sir help me
Simakhan_9693 इस id से मुझे गालियां मिल रहीं है है इसलिए मुझे इनके नंबर पता करना है PLEASE आप मेरी help करे
@punitchaha that person abused to me
That’s person abusing to me and my family so please check him and tell me requesting to you
Fake I’d bna kr galiya de rha he
Ye id fake hai aur is id se mujhe galat message aa rahe hai
User name
I’d se mujhe gali aa rhi hai
Meri fake I’d bni hai
Neha789549 ye I’d se mujhe aata hai
My fake ID
Sweetgirlpinu02 is he is using by my name with fake account and messaging my friend
Is id se bhut sare msg aa rhe h main iska mobile number janna cahta hu
Iss id ka mujeh number cahiye
Iss fake id se muje msg aa rehe hee iss ka number muje plzz send kre
Is id ka number plzz mujeh dijia
Kashishsahu760 bahut message aate hai sir please help me or iske number janana hai mujhe please help me sir
Username -adiyana_khan
Ye hmai Instagram Pr faltu ke msg kr rhi hai love you baar baar bol rhi hi bhot preshan krti hai hme iska mobile number pta kerna hai
Mere nam se ek fack id bna rakhi h @bhanwar_kpsodha
Ye muze bohat pareshan kar Raha hai aurr muze gali bhi de raha hai
Mai apse request karta huu ke app muze ess I’d ka number jaldi provide kareng
I’d se galt message aa rhe ahi
rohitgandu709_is I’d se Mujhe gali aa rhi h meri live mai aakar bhut galat galat bolta h please mujhe pta karna h ye kon h
Usenaam pooja_parmar52
Ye I’d me se bov message aa rahe gali aa rahi please help me
Number nikal jiye na
Kisi n meri photo or mera name use karke fake I’d bnaai h jo ki ab mujhe paresan kar rha h oos I’d s mujhe oos insaan k baare m pta karwana h Instagram par
Anonymous_depaulian es fake account se bhut jada message aa rahe hain mai eska number pata karna chahata hu
Mujhe 1 id de bhout gander gander mes aa Rahe hai vo 1 ladke ki fake id se blackmail kar raha hai mujhe us fake id ka number pata karna hai
Us id ka naam
Ansuraj098 hai
Is id se hme faltu ke msg aa rhe and galiya de rha hme iska contact no pta krna h
Mujhe is id ka number pta karna hai please help me Instagram
I want phone number of this user
I want to know phone number of this id
It’s froud account, he cheated me
Account name surender username surender.birman
Ya I’d fack h ma eska number
Nikalna chata hu ya I’d Mera papa ji k name sa h orkise n bana rhaki h esliya m eska number pta lagana chata hu
I wan to know a id owners number he/she is sending me some wrong picturesand vedio
My friend I’m send massage but not received number show plz
I want to know the fake id number of fake id
Muze id ka number jannana hai
Hello plzz help mera fake account bnaya gya h or us account pe meri vedios or photos post ki jari h har ghante or ye recently new account bna h plzz is account id ka number nikalein Id se mujhe block kr ke rkha h id ka naam h
I am getting a lot of messages from this Instagram ID, I want to know from whose numbers this ID is made
_Priya_chaudhary_7788 account number nikalne ha
Instagram fake account number
Ye I’d kise number se h
Or kon chela rha h
aas.hi9387 ye baar baar persan Kara hai to plz nb beta de muje main Jan saku kon hai
Is id se merako or mera dost ko message aa rahe hai
Naira626270 .. is I’d se mere ko SMG aa rha bahut jyada Mai iska mo. Number pata karna chahta hu
Ak id ka number nikalana hay fack I’d hay
Fack id msg kar Raha hay no malum karna hay
I’d ka number nikalana hay mereko msg kar Raha hay ladki ke nam se baat kar rahe hai
Ye account fake hai or mujhe is id se msg aa rhe hai or gali bhi aa rahi hai mujhe is id ka number or name pta karna hai kaun hai ye inshan
Ye account fake hai or mujhe is id se msg aa rhe hai or meri photos bhi upload ho rhi hai mujhe is id ka number or name pta karna hai kaun hai ye inshan
Ye account fake hai or mujhe is id se msg aa rhe hai or meri photos bhi upload ho rhi hai mujhe is id ka number or name pta karna hai kaun hai ye inshan gali bhi de Raha hai ye kon hai plzz help me
Es account se bahut jhada massage aata hai m esaka mobile no.pta karna chahata hu konsa number use karta hein
Fake account bnake preshan kar rha hai number Janna hai
Number janna hai
47__rahul__32, unknown boy mujhe is I’d se gaali di ja rhi h aur mai I’d user ko nhi janta hu is vajah se Mae is I’d ka number pata karna cahata hu
_the _black _devil____999
is I’d se mujhe bahut ajib msg araha hai.
Account name -dutta_ puna_
Is fake I’d se mere pas message AA rehi hai bohu Jada me inke account ka mobile number pata solna jata hu.is a kis number ka login koi he ,konse use Kota he sobkus details likh di jaiga
There is a guy who make my fake id and upload my photos I want to know that guy and want a mobile number of that person
Account name:_dutta_puna
Is fake I’d se mere pass message AA rehi hai.hu Jada me inke account ka mobile number pata salne jata hu ki ye kis number login koiy he kon se use Kota he . please sobkus details diya he
https://instagram.com/vis_ha6151?igshid=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ== mujhe vis_ha6151 is id ka number cahiye ye pta nhi kon hai or bhaut preshan krta hai blackmail bhi krta hai
https://instagram.com/sapna_sohal__?igshid=ZWIzMWE5ZmU3Zg== fake account I need this number
Bahut message
Itska_ur0 sardarni mujhe iska mobile no pra karna hai
From this Instagram I’d very bad messages come for me & they said very words on me
l_o_v_e___s_ ye fack I’d isase mujhe ulthe sidhe msg aaya mujhe is I’d ka nomber pata Karna hi
l_o_v_e___s_ ye fack I’d hi iasae rong msg aa rahe mujko iska contact number pata karke batiye
Ise ID se masaj Aa Reha He Bahut Jyada me inka mobile Number
Patta Karna Chahata Hu
Shwetakohli2121es id se mere pass bhot jada msg aa rhe h es id ka contact number dekhna h
Shwetakohl2121 es. Id ka contact number jana h
Ye muje pareshan kar rha. H msg kar kar k
Hii ..muje instagram fake id se
pareshan kar rha h uski user id ( shwetakohli2121 ) h plz mujhe iss id ka phone number btane ke help kare
Kusum _ khendlwal _1999 es I’d ka please pta kare ye mere ko blckmail kr rha h aur mujse rupey mang rha h
https://instagram.com/agrw_almuskan?igshid=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ== is id se meri bhen ko msg aa rhe h or yee fake account h jisse meri bhen ko presaan kiya ja rha h or Galiya bi de rhi h yee jiski bi fake h
https://instagram.com/aamirmirza1097?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== is fake I’d se mere pass msg aa raha h muje iska number pata kerna h sir m bahut preshan hu
This ID is giving me threats of killing me , I just want to get the number of this ID so that I can take legal action towards this person.
I am a girl age 19 and this is a fake account who has harassed and bullied me a lot called me slut and whore and is also threatening me. I am scared and desperately need to know who this person is and his contact number.
Is id se hame fake msg aa rahe hai ham is id ka mobile number pta karna chahte hai plz help me.
https://instagram.com/arsh.an959?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== is id k no. Chahiye koi fake account chala k badtamizi kr rha h
Hello sir is id se logo ko presaan kiya ja rha h jo meri nhi h mere name se bnai gyi h so please iska number ya kuch bhi iska name detail kuch bhi agr pta chle to please bta dijiyega dhnyawaad please bta dijiye
https://instagram.com/angleic_cuti?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== ,samyukta, I am getting so many messages from this fake eid I want to know account number I want to know from which number login and who is running please give me this account number
Neha shraf05 fake id se message aa rahe hai is ka contact no.chaiye
[raksh_a8505 ]is account ke person ko me janta nhi hu ye mujhe bht gali deta h to sir me iska contact number janna chahta hu ki ye kon h jo mujhe is trh se treat kr rha to sir please mujhe is account ke person ko janna h isme ap meri help kre
raksh_a8505 ke account ki information chahiye
Ruhan_qureshi07 ish fake I’d se mujhe msg aare hai ye dhamkiya dera hai mujhe ish I’d ka number chaiye jish number se ye I’d login Hui vi hai aur ye Raha ush I’d ka url link:-https://instagram.com/ruhan_qureshi07?igshid=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ==
2 din se koi fake account se galiya nikal rhaa hai eska number ptaa kr do please request hai please help me https://instagram.com/ananya_thakir?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
Ye id pr se muje investment ka offer aaya me payment kiya but abhi unka response nhi hai or muje refund nhi kr rhe please muje unka contact number share karo so me unhe contact kr sku
they are blackmailing me .. plzz help
Username is – cutiepie998807
I want to know phone no. Of this I’d
they are blackmailing me .. plzz help
Username is – cutiepie998807
I want to know phone no. Of this I’d . Plz plz.help
Mujhe is id se message ate hai
Plz find mobile no of this id
Meri id fek kisine banai he
Ghumpadola mem paje
Yehe name he muje pata nahi jisne B’nai he
Ha yehi he
it’s to much messages come he misses behave also I need his number
Ghumpadola ghumpadolamempej is id se mere pas message aate he yh kon he me uska mobile number pata Karna sata hu
Ha uska mobile number pata Karna sata hu
Or yeh aaidi fek kisne
banai he
Muju roja na message Karta he me pare san ho Gaya hu
AB AB yah kisne ID banai hai main delete karna chahta hun
Yah jisne ID banai Hai uska mobile number kya hai
Sonu kumar yadav is id se mujhr feck msg AZ rehe he mujhr chak krna he ye id kiski he yr kis no se logic hr batao
Is account se muze msg Aa rahe hai to muze is id ka pura details chahiye
Aur is i’d ka mo no bhi muze chahiye
I am getting ghost messages from this CD I want this CD’s number and who is this CD doing full details
Ek I’d se humko bahut msg aarha hai. Sirf ulte sidhe MSG aarahe hai wo v ek do nahi bahut sare bar bar 20+ plus msg aate hai
Please help me give me the mobile number of this I’d
Id name :- anshu_44823
User name:- attitude boy
is fake id se mujhe bhot gande gande message aa rahe hain mujhe janna hain ki kon mujhe continue ma ki galiya de rha hainn mujhe is id ki details or number chaiyee please meri help kr dijiye
https://instagram.com/me.enaji493?igshid=MTIyMzRjYmRlZg== me.enaji493 is I’d s mere paas massage aate hai mujhe iske phone number chaiye
me.enaji493 mujhe iske number chaiye
is I’d ka number bhejiye aap muje ye I’d fake hai meri wife ki fake I’d banai hai kisine
User id – Mandeepchaudhary306
Is id se mere or mere friends ke baat bahut gande msg aa rahe hai mai inka number pata karna chahti hu, ki ye kis number se login kiya hai
Fake I’d family valo ke number mag raha he
Please id number dilado
Account name :- @kalderju username:- kajal Kaur
Is account ne meri videos apni I’d me post kiye hai or meri pic profile bhi lgai hai or ladko ko meri videos send krke unse bat bat krta hai.
Account name :- @kalderju username:- kajal Kaur
Is account ne meri videos apni I’d me post kiye hai or meri pic profile bhi lgai hai or ladko ko meri videos send krke unse bat bat krta hai Plzz help me main is account ka number pata Krna chahti hu.
Mujhe Instagram id se number nikal na hai uske massage aa rahe bahut pareshan kar diya gali bhi de raha iska number nikal kar de dijiye
Es account se bahut jhada massage aata hai or mujhe black mail kr rha he me esaka mobile no.pta karna chahata hu plz help me
Humari id churayi hai hume unka phone no chahiye it’s urgent please help
Username -see
Is I’d se message aa rhe hai mujhe.
Account name delhi_police96
Hello Instagram account
This account abuse and blackmailing every person . I want to know the number of this account kindly help me to find this out i will be very thankful if you could help me to came out this problem
https://instagram.com/janki56903?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== this id is make by my name and picture and send dirty message and posts…i want its mobile number
Uska id name @runusarkar26
Es id ka mobile number nikalna chatahu ahi id se sms det ahe esh fake id he
Main ek ladki hun mujhe iss fake is se msg kr ke blackmail kiya jaa raha hai pls mujhe iss id ka number dedo
mistti 3437
Is id pe muje message arha hai muje is id ka mobile number chahie
Muje is id pe message arhe hai muje is id ka mobile number chahie
Iss id se message bahut arahe hai is liye isska number pata karna hai help karoge jii.
Iss id se bahut message arahe hai.
our iss id ne fake information de raha
hai iss liye iska phone number chahiye please send kare
Iss id ka number chahiye
Iss Instagram id se bahut arahe hai. our fake information de raha hai.
Isliye iss Instagram id ka phone number chahiye please iss email
ko send kare.